New Highly Secured Secret Video Exposed  ...

The Proven Fastest way to profit about $3,480 per month as a Copywriter even if you're a total beginner without any fancy portfolio.

Watch the Free Video Now before it got destroyed. 


Or Let's Walk Through the Journey of Testimonials and Proofs Together...

Let's go below

Landed a $4000 Copywriting Project through referral

Receive 2 - Invites on Upwork for a Copywriting Project.

Below are few of screenshots of how I hook and Land clients with the EGA method

Landed a $300 per month job in 2 days of implementing a new strategy on Upwork

Get paid some high Dollar on Fiverr Using Part of the EGA Method.

Landed a $600 per month job using the Cold Email Strategy.

Below are how my students have been using the Ungodly E.G.A secrets to write Email copies within Few minutes and get paid some good Dollars.

Here's Gabriel - He generated $300, 2- weeks after taking the course.

Zayn got hired by a start up company as their Emil Copywriter.

If I can generates over $30,000 for this Client in a month, how much do you think he will pay me ????


I took over his 500,000 dead Email subscribers,  Wake them up, nurture them and sell ruthlessly to them with 23 promotional emails.

And I'm ready to walk you through how I do everything from beginning to where the sales start gushing in for the client.... 


And I'm walking you through this new world in an Exclusive way and help you generates your own first thousand Dollar in few weeks…

Teslim Murdering Fiverr, earning over $1,000 monthly from only Fiverr.

You will immediately start killing Upwork with my Upwork algorithm course.


This Course will focus on these 3 Core Blocks of Financial Breakthrough

Writing Highly Persuasive Email Copies

Getting High Paying Clients

Earning in Dollars

No way... there is still more!

Complete your registration for the course and Get Also

My Client E-book:

The Foreign Emails

It has never been sold anywhere

This Book reviews the step by step process of how anyone without little or no knowledge can write Email Copy for both local clients and foreign companies. it was written by one of my clients from U.S.A specifically for the Email Gig Arena students.

Complete your registration for the course and

Get these FREE Bonuses!

Bonus 1 - 8.

Complete Email Copywriting & Email Marketing Mastery Course

Total Value =  $900

 "Get everything Listed above" for just ₦21,000 Only Today


Registration fee is: ₦21,000

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

You are fully protected by our 100% Satisfaction-Guarantee. If you don't get the value said during the course, just let us know and we'll schedule a compensation immediately.


Registration free is: ₦21,000


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