We've got a mix of Splash and Opt-in pages listed below that will work great in Traffic Exchanges, Safelist Mailings and any other situation where you need an engaging, fast-loading page.
We'd generally recommend the Opt-in Pages... so your leads will subscribe to our follow-up list and we can send additional info and offers on your behalf. Some of these do have a low-key direct link to the main sales page as well, so we track 'Clicks' as well as 'Optins' on those pages.
The Combo Pages promote the AdCardz opportunity along with the option to post one or more Ads to random AdBoards. This gives the visitor first-hand experience of how it all works, and they can actually convert quite well over a longer time frame.
Some of the Combo Pages also include Banner & Text Ads from various AdBoards. We use these pages extensively to promote the AdCardz site and send some extra traffic through our Member's AdBoards.
You're welcome to try them out though, as that demonstration of ongonig support & assistance can be the reassurance some newbies need to take the plunge!
The various Rotators will show a random page from the top converting pages in that category. We're constantly watching these page stats and we swap out the non-performers with new variations on a regular basis.
Please double check all links. Your Adcardz Affiliate Link should be showing below if you're registered and logged in. If not, you can go back and register/login, or else you should swap out the full link for your WarriorPlus link